2008年8月25日 星期一
僑委會介紹 EFTHA
歐洲台灣醫事聯盟European Federation of Taiwan Health Alliance(EFTHA)
一、 醫事團體簡介:創設目標:1.將台灣在醫事上成功的經驗回饋國際社會,尤其是那些開發中或未開發的國家。2.促進台灣能成為WHO 會員或觀察員,以便由世界衛生組織獲得必要的資訊,令台灣二千三百萬人民更能提昇健康與福祉,並能藉由WHO組織功能將台灣之經驗回饋給其他的會員國。3.為僑居各地之鄉親提供醫事諮詢及服務。4.爭取台灣加入WHO世界衛生組織。歷史沿革:經過德、英、法僑界熱心人士數月的籌備與聯繫,2002年11月2日下午在德國比爾市(Buehl)正式成立,並於2003年在Buehl 法院公證登記為公益事業團體。成立當天由謝偉群、張良子、楊梅芳、張宗鼎、廖大林擔任主席團主席,共計有來自德、法、奧、義、英、比、瑞等國與醫事有關的僑胞代表三十八人參加,駐慕尼黑辦事處劉處長俊滿、駐德國代表處鄭組長兆元及僑務秘書鄭志均亦出席參加。本聯盟設有執行委員會,依參加會員人數之多寡選出各國執行委員一至二人,並從執行委員中推選執行長一人,代表本聯盟對外執行業務。執行委員當選情形為:德國張良子、楊梅芳,法國王恩南、英國李宏耀、比利時李麗花、奧地利何冠昱、義大利陳倉發、瑞士黃麗德。本聯盟現已有德、英、法、義、瑞、荷、奧、丹麥、比利時等國會員約三百人,每年輪流於各大城市召開年會(即會員大會),並不定期視工作需要召開執行委員會議。現任負責人(2008年):李宏耀醫師,目前擔任英國地區僑務顧問,李醫師為英國皇家內學院院士、愛爾蘭皇家內科學院院士、英國倫敦醫藥協會會員,目前擔任心臟專科主任醫師二、 推展活動進程:歐洲台灣醫事聯盟自2002 年11 月2日成立以來即積極徵求新會員,並訂每年4月7日世界衛生日在歐盟總部召開記者招待會,申述我台灣人之願景,並與歐洲各國之官方及民間政要、學術人員相互交流,說明台灣之重要性,籲請各界支持台灣;迄今已在Brussel、Berlin、London、Bern、Genf、Zuerich 等地與各國及國內學者舉辦各場學術研討會、說明會等,更與歐盟議員及世界女醫師聯盟取得共識,全力支持台灣加入WHO。每年5月赴日內瓦與全世界各地來的朋友們共同宣達台灣加入WHO之意願與重要性,由0 票支持台灣到2004 年27 票支持台灣加入WHO,而後2007年台灣代表團積極爭取以唱名投票戰術,使「台灣加入WHO」申請案受到充份的重視,因而獲得長達3小時的辯論並作成會議紀錄,已然在國際社會間達到重大宣示效果,同時並爭取到國際輿論的普遍支持,足見我國全民努力的付出確實獲致重大進展,我們將繼續奮鬥、打拼,歡迎大家加入我們的行列,為台灣加油!2007年舉辦的活動:1.2007年3月24-25日於法蘭克福召開年會,報告推動台灣加入WHO進展,改選英國李宏耀醫師擔任新執行長,規劃2007年各項活動。2.2007年4月29日李宏耀醫師擔任「旅英僑學各界動員台灣參與世界衛生組織活動籌備會」主任委員,規劃主辦海德公園民主講台宣傳演講造勢連署活動。該活動並獲台英國會小組共同主席福克納上議員之支持,福克納並演講呼籲英國民眾支持台灣加入世界衛生組織,該次活動計有中外人士400餘名支持連署。2008年的主要工作:1.2008年1月19日於比利時布魯塞爾舉行年會,會議由EFTHA 執行長李宏耀醫師主持,來自英國、德國、法國、義大利、比利時的會員和贊助會友參加,衛生署侯署長、衛生署國合處楊處長、歐台會何會長和駐歐盟衛生張顧問均蒞會致詞,本次會議達到下列決議:a.與歐盟委員會(European Commission) 建立合作,對歐盟的醫療衛生服務活動持續參與,積極聯絡歐盟各國的外交,衛生部會首長或地方議員,以備4月7日世界衛生日造勢,向歐盟總理提出訴求。b.密切聯繫歐洲各大學、研究中心、歐洲醫學協會(European Medical Association)歐洲醫界聯盟(CPME),呼籲台灣醫衛人士參加EMA 2008年7月1日將於赫爾辛基召開之年會、支助一個學術演講、或贊助EMA年會一部門等等,多方製造台灣與歐洲的互動平台。c.秉持台灣多年來提供友邦醫療服務和推廣國際衛生合作之精神,我國不論民間或政府單位,都可藉全球矚目的一些醫學技術及詳盡的防杜偽藥、劣質食品等資訊,參與世界衛生交流。積極體現國際衛生的貢獻智者,而蔚成“台灣是世界衛生村不可或缺角色”的議題,同時基於台灣位居世界經貿之要衢,而醫藥無國界,如禽流感等之疫情時有所聞,全球防範網不容一絲疏忽,台灣豈能被延誤或摒除於外?因而我們將向世界衛生組織訴求:台灣絕對應有與WHO直接的通路,以確保我們兩千三百萬人民之健康。2. 2008年4月20日李宏耀醫師擔任旅英僑學各界推動台灣參與世界衛生組織活動籌備會主任委員,規劃主辦海德公園民主講台宣傳演講造勢連署活動, 英國國會台英國會小組共同主席The Lord Faulkner of Worcester 上議員並於現場發表支持台灣加入WHO之演講。Faulkner 共同主席表示:「台灣早就該成為WHO一員」,他將繼續為台灣發聲,直到台灣加入WHO為止。他並呼籲英國政府揚棄不合時宜的「一個中國政策」,支持台灣加入國際組織。僑務榮譽職人員賴世寬、李宏耀、李奕德及前僑務委員黃貴乾等多位旅英僑民亦陸續上台說明台灣參加WHO的正當性及必要性,並回答現場外籍民眾對台灣未能加入WHO之提問,互動熱烈。除了演講活動外,現場並安排十餘名旅英台灣同學身穿「Taiwan 在WHO,我在乎」T-shirt合唱「望春風」等數首悠美動聽的台灣民謠,獲得現場民眾熱烈鼓掌。本次活動共獲得380餘名外國人士連署支持,有效達到爭取外國人士支持台灣加入WHO、宣傳台灣、及提升台灣能見度之目的。三、 加入我們的行列:每年我們各地均推薦新醫事人員回台參加由僑委會主辦之醫事人員研習會,藉以提昇聯盟之新血輪,更與全世界其他僑團合作,整合資源,共同為台灣在國際舞台上進軍出力,期望志同道合的朋友加入成為會員及全力支持我們,更盼大家能在資源、資訊上協助我們。歐洲醫事聯盟執行長:李宏耀 電子信箱yauw@btinternet.com電話44-(0)7941372101。電傳44(0)208 9334262
2008年8月5日 星期二
EFTHA recomends Learn Taiwanese in Medicine 醫用台語教學
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By 王崇禮 等, 張之嚴 (Compiler), 朱子宏 (Compiler)
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現今醫病溝通日趨強調,兩者若連語言用語都無法交流,技術再好也會大打折扣。學習醫用台語,一方面是如前述的溝通功能,一方面也是一份社會菁英,在原有的本土文化式微時,必須攬在身上繼續傳承發揚的重責大任。我們或許可從兩點著手:其一是以正確的醫學概念闡明傳統閩南語說法的意涵;另一是將這些說法列入學校教材,讓新一代也能夠靈活表達。我們這本教材也清楚應具有的責任義務,目前目標則是著手在後者,日後的改版,應該也可以將前者涵蓋入內,更臻完善。台灣大學醫學系91級 朱子宏謹序
2008年8月4日 星期一
US Senators concern on WHO access by Taiwan
SENATORS CRITICIZE SECRET CHINA-WHO M.O.U. AND BUSH ADMINISTRATION's LACK OF INITIATIVES IN BRINGING TAIWAN INTO THE WHO In a letter to President Bush dated August 1, 2008, five Senators led by Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) express disappointment about the World Health Assembly's (WHA) decision last May to again exclude Taiwan from participating in the annual weeklong meegmail.com, hju.ting in Geneva and urge President Bush to seek inclusion of the 23 million people in the World Health Organization (WHO).For the past twenty years, Senator Sherrod Brown has been a leading voice in both Houses of Congress for the inclusion of the 23 million people of Taiwan in the World Health Organization.The Senators write: "We regret that the Administration was not able to find ways to make Taiwan's voice heard in the World Health Organization (WHO). Taiwan's participation is vital if we are to effectively combat global health threats. We urge you to support and advocate for Taiwan's membership in the WHO."They continue: "Very little progress has been made since Public Law No. 107-10 mandated the Secretary of State endorse "meaningful participation" for Taiwan in the WHA. We are concerned that the recent report by the State Department to Congress regarding Taiwan's participation in the WHO did not mention any administration initiatives in this regard."In a thinly disguised jab at the secret Memorandum of Understanding that China concluded with the WHO in 2005 allowing China to determine which information from the WHO reaches Taiwan, if any, the Senators add: "In addition to supporting Taiwan's full membership, the United States must oppose any effort by China to interfere with the exchange of information between the WHO and Taiwan. The effectiveness of the WHO relies on the direct flow of information among health experts. Any efforts to curtail the free exchange of information unnecessarily threatens global health and the safety of every nation." They conclude: "As global health threats emerge, the public health of our nation increasingly depends on cooperation and communication between every nation. It is in America's best interest to ensure that Taiwan is a full member of the WHO."FAPA President Bob Yang, PhD states: "We agree with the Senators that the secret PRC-WHO M.O.U. needs to go. This arrangement is not only inconceivable, it is likely unlawful for a multilateral international organization to make bilateral arrangements with one of its members. The bottomline is that the United States and the rest of the world should express its outrage - not only about this M.O.U. arrangement but about China' continued playing of politics with the lives of the people of Taiwan."2008年8月2日 美參議員抨擊世衛與中國秘密備忘錄,不滿布希政府欠缺協助台灣參與世衛實質行動 參議員布朗與4位同僚於7月31日 聯署致函布希總統,對於今年五月世衛大會再次拒絕台灣參與深表失望。他們並希望布希總統能夠協助台灣兩千三百萬人民被容納在世衛組織內。參議員布朗自十多年前還是眾議院成員時,就帶頭發起美國國會支持台灣參與世衛,是台灣爭取世衛參與最忠實的國際友人,每年在美國國會以引進議案,發表聲明或是致函等方式,十多年來毫不間斷,為台灣爭取世衛權益不餘遺力。 議員們在信裡表示:「我們很遺憾行政部門無法找到適當管道,讓世衛聽到台灣的聲音。如果我們要有效率地抵抗對全球衛生系統的威脅,台灣的參與是非常重要的。我們籲請您支持台灣世衛會員籍。」 「自從您簽署第107-10號法律,明文規定國務卿支持台灣有意義的參與世衛年度大會,此議題並沒有太大的進展。我們尤其擔心最近國務院呈報給國會的報告裡,並沒有提到任何行政部門在這方面的努力。」 由於中國在2005年與世衛秘書處秘密簽署一份備忘錄,允許中國自行單方決定哪些世衛資訊可以傳達台灣,議員們在信裡表達嚴重的關切。「除了支持台灣的完整會員籍外,美國必須反對任何中國意欲干涉世衛與台灣之間的資訊交流。世衛的效率建立在衛生專家們之間意見與資訊的自由交流。任何阻撓資訊自由交流的意圖,將威脅到全球衛生體系與各國的健康安全。」 議員們在信函結尾表示:「當全球健康體系受到威脅時,美國本身的公衛更須逐漸依賴世界各國之間的合作與溝通無阻。也因此,台灣成為世衛完整會員國一員是符合美國的利益之內。」 FAPA會長楊英育表示:「我們和這幾位參議員的看法一致,世衛與中國的秘密備忘錄必須立即中止。這份備忘錄不僅令人難以想像,一個國際組織私下與某一會員國簽署文件可說是違法的,並違背其他組織會員國的權益。最終底線是,美國與國際社會應該針對備忘錄,以及中國持續耍手段,將政治置台灣人民性命之上表達最嚴重的抗議。」 The Honorable George W. BushThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NWWashington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President: We were again disappointed by the World Health Assembly’s (WHA) recent decision to continue its ban on Taiwan’s participation. We regret that the Administration was not able to find ways to make Taiwan’s voice heard in the World Health Organization (WHO). Taiwan’s participation is vital if we are to effectively combat global health threats. We urge you to support and advocate for Taiwan’s membership in the WHO.Very little progress has been made since Public Law No. 107-10 mandated the Secretary of State endorse “meaningful participation” for Taiwan in the WHA. We are concerned that the recent report by the State Department to Congress regarding Taiwan’s participation in the WHO did not mention any administration initiatives in this regard. Public health threats like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Extensively Resistant Tuberculosis, and the H5N1 virus are not constrained by national boundaries. Taiwan’s exclusion from the WHO creates a dangerous gap in the exchange of information among countries and puts global health security at risk. Taiwan’s expertise and leadership in combating these global threats must be fully utilized in the global effort to fight these diseases.We agree with recent statements of former Senator Bob Dole, highlighting that “The ca se for admitting Taiwan into the WHO could not be clearer,” as well as his assertion that that there must be a major diplomatic push to support Taiwan’s candidacy. In addition to supporting Taiwan’s participation, the United States must oppose any effort by China to interfere with the exchange of information between the WHO and Taiwan. The effectiveness of the WHO relies on the direct flow of information among health experts. Any efforts to curtail the free exchange of information unnecessarily threatens global health and the safety of every nation. As global health threats emerge, the public health of our nation increasingly depends on cooperation and communication between every nation. It is in America’s best interest to ensure that Taiwan is a member of the WHO. We look forward to hearing from you on this important issue. Sincerely, Sherrod Brown, Jon Tester, Johnny Isakson, David Vitter, Joseph Lieberman
2008年7月29日 星期二
Japan to take care old doctors in rural area
Social plan to support doctors, the elderly
The government endorsed emergency measures Tuesday to enhance the social security system, including financial support for rural doctors and promoting employment of elderly people willing to work.
Under the plan initiated by Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, the government will help "Net cafe refugees," referring to young people who spend the night at Internet cafes without having a home or full-time job. The government will offer loans for them to rent apartments and secure living expenses, and help them find full-time employment.
The plan will be reflected in budgetary requests for fiscal 2009 or will be realized by revising related laws, officials said.
The five areas the emergency plan covers are policies on the elderly, medical services, child-rearing, irregular workers and reforming the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry.
For the elderly, the government will support companies that hire people aged 65 or older — the age when they become able to receive pensions — and also plans to consider ways to guarantee minimum pension benefits in the government-run basic pension scheme.
The government plans to provide financial assistance to doctors who have been sent to remote areas facing shortages and those who are engaged in emergency care during nighttime or holidays.
A new welfare ministry panel will consider ways to restore public confidence in the ministry, the officials said.
Japan airport clinical findings
NARITA, Chiba Pref. (Kyodo) Economy class syndrome has claimed the lives of 30 travelers arriving at Narita airport over the past 15 years, while 116 others have suffered serious symptoms, a clinic operating at the airport said Tuesday.
Fly right: A store clerk at Narita airport shows goods Tuesday to help prevent economy class syndrome. KYODO PHOTO |
There have been no deaths reported in the last five years. The last fatality was a 28-year-old male teacher from Yokohama who died after returning from Canada in February 2003. The condition, also known as deep-vein thrombosis, causes blood clots in people sitting in the same position for long periods.
The clinic, run by Nippon Medical School, compiled the figures after reviewing the symptoms of about 230,000 people who underwent treatment there from December 1992, when the clinic opened, to last March.
Toshiro Makino, head of the clinic, said he thinks growing awareness among travelers is the reason there have been no fatal cases in the past five years. But he called on summer travelers going overseas to exercise caution.
"It is preventable with light exercise inside the plane, like moving one's feet, but even young people are susceptible if they are careless," he said.
The average age of people who developed the syndrome was 57.
The average flight time was 11 hours and the average flight distance was about 9,000 km. The number of cases increased sharply once flight distances reached around 10,000 km.
The number of patients was relatively low on flights within Asia and greater for those on longer distance flights, such as from Europe and the U.S.
The clinic said seven Japanese men and 14 women, and seven foreign men and two women, died of the syndrome.
It said 23 Japanese men and 59 women, and 19 foreign men and 15 women, developed serious symptoms.
About 200 people develop minor symptoms every year.
2008年7月28日 星期一
歐華年會舉行 英議員親臨堅定支持台灣
時間: 2008/07/28 撰稿‧編輯:楊明娟 新聞引據:中央社
歐洲華僑團體聯誼會27日在倫敦召開年會,300多位僑胞與會,場面盛大,僑務委員會委員長吳英毅、駐英代表張小月及海峽交流基金會董事長江丙坤等,都親自與會;兩位英國國會議員也到場致詞,高度肯定台灣的民主政治,堅定表達將持續支持台灣拓展國際空間。 馬英九總統和行政院長劉兆玄都特別致賀詞,感謝僑胞協助政府推動外交暨僑務工作。 吳英毅致詞時,邀請與會僑胞返國參加今年的國慶活動,並期盼僑胞們能參與「愛台十二建設」,其中減碳造林計劃有助台灣綠化,歡迎僑胞們參與,他並希望僑胞們繼續協助政府參與各項國際組織與開創國家新局,努力拓展台灣的國際空間。 英國國會台英國會小組共同主席,上議院國會議員佛克納指出,英國政府自1971年奉行「一個中國」政策,現在有必要進行檢討,台灣是一個主權獨立的國家,不僅在科技、經濟發展十分成功,民主、自由、人權,特別是二次和平的政黨輪替,所展現的成熟民主,更令人敬佩。 曾多次造訪台灣的佛克納指出,台灣是個美麗的寶島,更是個主權獨立的國家,理應在國際社會有一席之地,但卻被排除在世界衛生組織WHO及聯合國等國際組織之外,他主張台灣應加入這些國際組織,並將與國會的其它同僚繼續支持協助台灣。 下議院自由民主黨國防委員會國會議員韓考克說,台灣的自由民主令人敬佩,他曾和台灣許多在海外留學的年輕學生接觸,認為他們是台灣的驕傲,也是台灣的財富,台灣理應在世界舞台被接受,無法加入WHO不僅不公平,也是錯誤。 韓考克表示,他期待台灣未來十年有重大改變,成為國際社會關注的議題,他堅定支持台灣,並願意繼續給予台灣協助。
Germany warns of genetic doping in coming Olympic
Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: The possibility of stem cell research being perverted for doping has caused shock waves A German television documentary suggesting that genetic doping is possible in the Olympic host country of China has been met with shock and disgust by scientists and doping officials."I could never imagine this," said Mario Thevis, head of a Cologne-based center for preventive doping research, on Tuesday, July 22.The documentary, entitled "Flying High in Middle Kingdom," broadcast on Monday night by Germany's state-run ARD network, showed a reporter, claiming to be a swimming coach, inquiring about performance-enhancing stem cell treatment for athletes in a Chinese hospital.Filmed with a hidden camera, a doctor named a price of $24,000 and outlined the procedure.The doctor said the treatment had not been tested among athletes but was safe -- a fact disputed by others."Yes. We have no experience with athletes here, but the treatment is safe and we can help you," the doctor is heard to say. "It strengthens lung function and stem cells go into the bloodstream and reach the organs. It takes two weeks. I recommend four intravenous injections ... 40 million stem cells or double that, the more the better. We also use human growth hormones, but you have to be careful because they are on the doping list."Genetic doping expert Patrick Diel was shocked by the revelation: "There are huge health risks. This is shocking. I was surprised to see this. Honestly, this is beyond my worst fears."Thevis expressed doubts whether such a treatment as described by the doctor would enhance the performance.Not science fiction, science factToronto sports doctor Mauro di Pasquale said on the documentary that there was an ongoing trade in gene doping in China. Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Some claim that athletes have undergone gene doping"I know of several incidences -- and this is from talking to coaches and other people that have direct knowledge -- where several professional athletes in sports such as soccer, football and several amateur athletes even on the elite Olympic level have gone to China and had gene doping performed," he said. "These doctors -- I can't give the names -- are involved in university clinics, they are involved in hospitals and they also have their personal clinics." However, the Chinese sports ministry insists the government is determined to stamp out the illegal trade. "On the issue of international criticism of the illegal trade in medication, the Chinese government takes the issue very seriously and takes strong measures to fight that illegal trade," said Jiang Zhixue, general secretary at the Chinese sports ministry. The general director of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), David Howman, expressed his disgust when confronted in the documentary with the alleged practices in China, which hosts the Olympics August 8-24 in Beijing.Howman spoke of "a terrible feeling" and named it shocking that health experts "showed such a lack of ethics and experimented with humans for a lot of money.Dangerous disregard of ethics"This is very distressing," he said. "It is very scary that health professionals should have such a lack of ethics and try what we know to be experimental on human beings for a vast amount of money.Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: The work of law-abiding doctors is being undermined"That doesn't match up to the standards that we ordinarily require of doctors and other medical practitioners," Howman told ARD. "This is even more dreadful, because what they are proposing to do is a total breach of the standards we have implied to make sure that cheating through the use of gene doping or gene therapy is prohibited. "And it is very distressing to see that perhaps it's been used now or could be used in a country where the magnificent event (the Olympic Games) will soon take place." The documentary makers also approached a Chinese company, GenSci, which agreed to supply steroids and EPO.In another undercover sting operation, the investigators spoke to a salesperson while filming covertly."The substance is a doping substance according to our government and that is why we are not supposed to sell this before the Olympics," the salesman is heard saying. "But after the Games business will be much easier again." DW staff (nda)
2008年7月27日 星期日
Taiwan to build yacht for peace and prosper through troubled water
Asian builders vie for share of superyacht market
KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan: Asia is vying for a bigger share of the multibillion-dollar luxury-boat market.
Led by Taiwan and increasingly China, Asia has narrowed the gap with the West in recent years, though it still lags Europe in the race for a market where yachts can sell for tens of millions of dollars.
Asian yacht-builders offer prices that average about a third less in Taiwan and up to half as much in China compared with boats built in the West. But low prices sometimes come with lower quality, especially from China, and less individuality, according to industry analysts.
"Taiwan is already a good market with experience with building yachts and China could be the future one," said Francesco Frediani, vice president for sales at Riva Yacht, an Italian company whose customers include Nicholas Cage and Sophia Loren.
"They are growing their expertise at the moment. But in terms of handling boat-related problems, Europe still owns the expertise."
Today in Business with Reuters
Taiwan and China are the two current leaders in Asia, with about 100 orders on the books this year, three-quarters of those for Taiwan, for yachts longer than 24 meters, or 80 feet according to an industry tracker, ShowBoats International. The figure was up sharply from 2005, when the two countries had about 60 orders combined.
While growing, those numbers still trail well behind those of Italy, the world's leader, with more than 400 orders this year, and the United States, with more than 100.
"Taiwan's boats sell good - people like them," said Andy Ye of Floating Life, a Switzerland-based boat manager of super-yachts that recently opened a Shanghai office.
"But in terms of innovation, the Italians or the Dutch or the French have more innovative designs. They set the trends; Taiwan follows."
The gritty workshops where Asia makes its super-yachts contrast sharply with the glitzy finished products.
A hangar-size building hums as sweat-soaked laborers work inside the steel shells of four 27-meter yachts being built by Jade Yachts in the southern Taiwan port city of Kaohsiung, where the Taiwanese luxury-boat industry is based.
These hulls, filled with sawdust, will eventually end up as multilevel yachts with rooms for 12 to 14 guests and features like glass elevators, Jacuzzis and entertainment centers with elaborate audio and video systems.
Jade began its large-yacht business in 2005 by re-outfitting a 210-foot research vessel into a luxury craft for the fashion company LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton.
Luke Huang, special assistant to the company's president, said the 27-meter yachts under construction each carried a list price of €8 million, or $12.6 million, though he added that the LVMH refitting was much more expensive. "These are very expensive toys," Huang said.
Jade's high-end customers come from such countries as Russia, Malta and Spain. "The buyers are all very rich," Huang said.
Such wealth helps to shield the industry from the kinds of economic downturns now plaguing the United States and spreading to other parts of the world, said Jack Chen, chairman of the Taiwan Yacht Industry Association.
"These are people with lots of money, even when the global economy isn't so good," he said. Growing geographic diversity among buyers, Chen added, is also helping to shield the sector.
Within Asia, Taiwan has a 30-year jump on China. Opinions differ on why Taiwan first emerged as a yacht-building location as early as the 1960s, while the rest of Asia apart from China has remained a relative backwater.
But most agree low costs and the abundance of U.S. troops, including many sailors, stationed on the island during the height of tensions between Taiwan and China in the 1950s through to the 1970s was a factor as some of these sailors worked with locals to build boats in their spare time.
"It's a lot less than it'd cost in the U.S.," said David Povich, an American lawyer, on a recent trip to inspect a boat he was having built by Tayana Yachts, also in Kaohsiung.
China has emerged more recently as Taiwan yacht builders moved to the mainland in search of lower costs.
Just as Asia is new to yacht building, the growing numbers of rich Asians are also relative newcomers to yacht owning, despite the region's reputation for showy displays of wealth.
According to ShowBoats International, 4 percent of people ordering yachts of at least 24 meters were in Asia in 2008, while nearly half were in Europe and a quarter were in North America.
Within Asia itself, many buyers come from places with large Western influences.
"There are some Asian buyers, mostly in Hong Kong and Singapore," said Ye, of Floating Life.
"In China the yacht market is just starting out. But Chinese people have lots of money and luxury product consuming is on the rise, and so is yacht buying."
New York Times interviewed Taiwan's President Ma
EFTHA requests your comments on this article.
Kristof: Stopping genocide
According to UN data, 88 percent of Sudan's imported small arms come from China - and those Chinese sales of small arms increased 137 times between 2001 and 2006.http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/07/17/opinion/edkristof.php
Many aid workers and diplomats suffered a panic attack when the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court sought an arrest warrant this week for the president of Sudan, Omar Hassan al-Bashir, for committing genocide. They feared that Bashir would retaliate by attacking peacekeepers and humanitarian workers.
But instead of wringing our hands, we should be applauding. The prosecution for genocide is a historic step that also creates an opportunity in Sudan, particularly if China can now be induced and shamed into suspending the transfer of weapons used to slaughter civilians in Darfur.
If China continues - it is the main supplier of arms used in the genocide - then it may itself be in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention. Article III of the convention declares that one of the punishable crimes is "complicity in genocide"; that's the crime that China may be committing if it goes on supplying arms used for genocide, even after the ICC has begun criminal proceedings against the purchaser of those weapons.
Beijing seems unabashed. Incredibly, China and Russia are acting as Bashir's lawyers, quietly urging the UN Security Council to intervene to delay criminal proceedings against him. Such a delay is a bad idea, unless Bashir agrees to go into exile.
Still, China does care about its image. Beijing supplied arms to Pol Pot's genocidal regime in Cambodia but later distanced itself from the Khmer Rouge as international criticism grew. China also supported Slobodan Milosevic until he was indicted, but then almost immediately let him hang out to dry.
One test of China's attitudes will be whether Bashir is welcomed at the Olympic Games' opening ceremony next month. (If President Bush is not careful, he may find himself seated at the ceremony between Bashir and Robert Mugabe.)
If Beijing reacts to Bashir the same way it did to its other war criminal pals and suspends arms transfers, then there is real hope for Sudan. If Bashir feared losing his weapons and spare parts, he would be willing to make significant concessions that would make a peace deal more likely - and ultimately an enforceable peace agreement is the only way that Darfur can recover.
According to UN data, 88 percent of Sudan's imported small arms come from China - and those Chinese sales of small arms increased 137 times between 2001 and 2006. China has also sold military aircraft to Sudan, and the BBC reported this week that two Chinese-made A-5 Fantan fighter aircraft were spotted on a Darfur runway last month. The BBC also said that China is training Sudanese military pilots in Sudan.
Likewise, Human Rights First, in a report on Chinese weapons sales to Sudan, states that Chinese engineers supervise arms production at the Giad industrial complex outside Khartoum. Chinese military companies have also set up arms factories outside Khartoum at Kalakla, Chojeri and Bageer.
Instead of lashing out in reaction to the prospect of an arrest warrant, Bashir may be forced to take the opposite tack: He may become more cooperative.
Bashir first used brutal methods - militias and a proxy invasion of a neighboring country - in his long war against South Sudan. He didn't pay a steep price, so he adopted the same scorched-earth policy in the Nuba Mountains. When he again went unpunished, he quite rationally adopted the same measures to suppress insurgency in Darfur.
Now, finally, we have a stick that has Bashir alarmed, and that gives us leverage. So far, Bashir is responding by trying to win support from the African Union and the Arab League, and that may restrain him from killing and raping too many aid workers and peacekeepers in the coming months. It may even induce him to cooperate with the United Nations in permitting more peacekeepers.
Unfortunately, the Arab League's secretary general, Amr Moussa, who quite properly denounces abuses when suffered by Palestinians, has chosen to side with Bashir rather than the hundreds of thousands of Muslims killed in Darfur. If Israel bombed some desert in Darfur, Arab leaders might muster some indignation about violence there.
A final thought: This prosecution for genocide offers a hint of historical progress.
Throughout most of history, genocide was simply what happened to losers in a conflict. In the Bible, if we are to take it literally, there are cases when God gives a nod to genocide ("Now go and completely destroy the entire Amalekite nation - men, women, children, babies"). Such divinely sanctioned ethnic cleansing reflected the norms of war for much of history, finally beginning to yield in the last couple of centuries.
Now this prosecution of a head of state suggests that human standards truly are changing - and that is a prerequisite for ending genocide itself.
2008年7月18日 星期五
2008年7月11日 星期五
EFTHA congradulates scientists of Taiwan CDC and Austrian AGES for importnat scientific findings
Eurosurveillance, Volume 13, Issue 28, 10 July 2008
- Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Vienna, Austria
- Department of Hygiene, Microbiology and Social Medicine, Medical University Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
- Viral Enteric and Emerging Diseases Laboratory, Center for Disease Control, Taipei, Taiwan
- Department of Paediatrics, Regional Hospital Leoben-Eisenerz, Leoben, Austria
Date of submission: 04 July 2008
Hamaguchi et al. recently reported on the on the occurrence of enterovirus type 71 (EV71) subgenogroup C4 in Japan [1]. According to the authors, this strain may have emerged in mainland China and in Taiwan. EV71 subgenogroup C4 has recently gained public health interest following reports of an ongoing outbreak in China and Vietnam in 2008: In June 2008, more than 176,000 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) were reported in China alone, and at least 24 deaths have been attributed to EV71 [2,3]. In the largest and most severe EV71-associated HFMD outbreak in Taiwan in 1998, 405 children had severe neurological complications and/or pulmonary oedema; 78 children died [4].
The genus enterovirus comprises poliovirus, coxsackievirus, echovirus, and enteroviruses 68-71. Based on molecular classification, human enteroviruses (HEV) are divided into groups A-D. There are now in excess of 100 types of EV. EV71 has been allocated to the group HEV-A (together with coxsackievirus A16 and some other coxsackie A-viruses) [5]. Both EV71 and coxsackievirus A16 virus can cause HFMD and herpangina, but only EV71 frequently leads to severe diseases, such as aseptic meningitis or poliomyelitis-like paralysis; fatal cases due to pulmonary oedema have been reported in neonates [6].
By molecular typing EV71 can be divided into three genogroups (A,B,C), the latter two being further sub-divided into B1-5 and C1-5 [7,8]. Currently genogroups B and C are co-circulating worldwide. Genotype C1 is predominating in Europe, but it can also be found in Australia, Malaysia and Singapore [9,10]. In China, Taiwan and Japan, the other genotypes are dominant, obviously replacing each other in circulation every one or two years [9,10].
Laboratory investigation in Austria
In Austria, the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) serves as the national reference centre for laboratory diagnosis of poliomyelitis [11]. Between 1999 and 2007, 1,388 stool specimens from patients with acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) or aseptic meningitis were voluntarily submitted by hospitals, none of them yielding polio virus.
The number of reported AFP-cases in patients under 15 years-old per year was 12 in 1999 (0.87/100,000/year), 13 in 2000 (0.95/100,000/year), nine in 2001 (0.66/100,000/year), eight in 2002 (0.62/100,000/year), two in 2003 (0.16/100,000/year), seven in 2004 (0.53/100,000/year), three in 2005 (0.23/100,000/year), and nine in 2006 (0.69/100,000/year) [11]. The WHO requirement of testing two stool specimens (gained within two weeks after onset of paralysis) for enterovirus in at least 80% of AFP-cases was fulfilled in 2002 (88%) and in 2003 (100%).
Stool specimens were processed according to recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) listed in the WHO’s 'Polio laboratory manual' [12]. In brief, samples were treated with chloroform and antibiotics to remove bacteria and fungi. Cell cultures were inoculated, incubated at 36°C and observed for cytopathic effect (CPE) daily. When complete CPE was obtained, the infected cells were harvested and stored at -20°C until serological typing by neutralisation tests using a kit provided by the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, the Netherlands.
Of the 1,388 stool samples, 201 yielded non-polio enteroviruses. A total of 181 viruses were available for molecular typing as described by Nix et al. [13]. For EV71-positive isolates, extended length VP1 gene sequences were amplified as described by Oberste et al. [14].
Retrospective analysis of enterovirus samples
On the basis of a general cooperation agreement signed between AGES and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Taipei in fall 2007, AGES decided to screen retrospectively Austrian enterovirus isolates collected in its acute flaccid paralysis surveillance programme for EV71. Molecular typing was performed by an AGES employee in February 2008 during a three week stay at the Viral Enteric and Emerging Diseases Laboratory at the CDC in Taipei, Taiwan. Analysing enteroviruses cultured from 181 clinical samples collected between 1999 and 2007, we detected EV71 in specimens from 16 patients (8.8%): EV71 genotype C1 was found in 14 cases, and genotype C4 in two cases.
In the Austrian province of Lower Austria (1.5 million inhabitants), an eight year-old boy of Vietnamese descent (born and raised in Austria) and an eight month-old female breastfed infant, were hospitalised in October 2004 at different institutions for respective aseptic meningitis and aseptic meningitis plus diarrhoea. The two children lived in villages approximately 270 km apart, without any known common contacts; they were not known to have traveled abroad.
Table 1 summarises demographic data of the 16 patients with EV71 infection. No signs of HFMD were documented in any of them. All 16 Austrian patients with EV71 infection recovered completely.
Table. Patients with aseptic meningitis due to enterovirus 71 infection, Austria, 1999-2007
Discussion and conclusions
The discovery of two EV71 subgenogroup C4 isolates in Austria was an unexpected finding, as was the obvious occurrence of a cluster of infection with EV71 subgenogroup C1 in the years 2001-2003 in the province of Styria (1.2 million inhabitants). The fact that one of the two Austrian children suffering from EV71 subgenogroup C4 infection was of Vietnamese descent suggests that independent introduction of Asian strains may occur in Europe.
Several EV71 outbreaks have been documented throughout the world and clinical manifestations of EV71 infections can be diverse, including HFMD, herpangina, central nervous system (CNS) disease, and pulmonary oedema [1]. In children, the CNS diseases associated with EV71 manifest clinically in various ways, such as aseptic meningitis or acute flaccid paralysis, symptoms previously well known for infections with poliovirus. After the eradication of wild poliovirus from most parts of the world, EV 71 must be regarded as one of the most dangerous neurotropic enteroviruses. The well established WHO PolioLabNet may be well advised to upgrade for surveillance of EV71. Enterovirus surveillance is already an integral activity in some European polio laboratories.
- Hamaguchi T, Fujisawa H, Sakai K, Okino S, Kurosaki N, Nishimura Y, et al. Acute encephalitis caused by intrafamilial transmission of enterovirus 71 in adult. Emerg Infect Dis. 2008;14(5):828-30.
- Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Office of the World Health Organization in China. Report on the Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak in Fuyang City, Anhui Province and the Prevention and Control in China. May 2008. Available from: http://www.wpro.who.int/NR/rdonlyres/591D6A7B-FB15-4E94-A1E9-1D3381847D60/0/HFMDCCDC20080515ENG.pdf
- United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Hand, foot and mouth disease – asia (19): CDC Notice. ProMED-mail. 4 July 2007. Archive no. 20080704.2037. Available from: http://www.promedmail.org/pls/otn/f?=2400:1202:2646754013195931::NO::F2400_P1202_CHECK_DISPLAY,F2400_ P1202_PUB_MAIL_ID:X,73018
- Ho M, Chen ER, Hsu KH, Twu SJ, Chen KT, Tsai SF, et al. An epidemic of enterovirus 71 infection in Taiwan. Taiwan Enterovirus Epidemic Working Group. N Engl J Med. 1999;341(13):929-35..
- Wu TC, Wang YF, Lee YP, Wang JR, Liu CC, Wang SM, et al. Immunity to avirulent enterovirus 71 and coxsackie A16 virus protects against enterovirus 71 infection in mice. J Virol. 2007;81(19):10310-5.
- Ho M. Enterovirus 71: the virus, its infections, and outbreaks. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2000;33(4):205-16.
- Mizuta K, Abiko C, Murata T, Matsuzaki Y, Itagaki T, Sanjoh K, et al. Frequent importation of enterovirus 71 from surrounding countries into the local community of Yamagata, Japan, between 1998 and 2003. J Clin Microbiol. 2005;43(12):6171-5.
- Tu PV, Thao NT, Perera D, Huu TK, Tien NT, Thuong TC, et al. Epidemiologic and virologic investigation of hand, foot, and mouth disease, southern Vietnam, 2005. Emerg Infect Dis. 2007;13(11):1733-41.
- Cardosa MJ, Perera D, Brown BA, Cheon D, Chan HM, Chan KP, et al. Molecular epidemiology of human enterovirus 71 strains and recent outbreaks in the Asia-Pacific region: comparative analysis of the VP1 and VP4 genes. Emerg Infect Dis. 2003;9(4):461-8.
- Sanders SA, Herrero LJ, McPhie K, Chow SS, Craig ME, Dwyer DE, et al. Molecular epidemiology of enterovirus 71 over two decades in an Australian urban community. Arch Virol. 2006;151(5):1003-13.
- Strauss R, Sagl M, Wewalka G, Dierich M, Baumhackl U, Holzmann H, et al. WHO Polio Eradication Programme: Status quo and implementation in Austria. [In German]. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2008;120(7-8):210-6.
- World Health Organization. Polio laboratory manual. 4th edition. Geneva; 2004. Available from: http://www.who.int/vaccines/en/poliolab/WHO-Polio-Manual-9.pdf
- Nix WA, Oberste MS, Pallach MA. Sensitive, seminested PCR amplification of VP1 sequences for direct identification of all enterovirus serotypes from original clinical specimens. J Clin Microbiol. 2006;44(8):2698-704.
- Oberste MS, Maher K, Kilpatrick DR, Pallansch MA. Molecular evolution of the human enterovirus: correlation of serotype with VP1 sequence and application to picornavirus classification. J Virol. 1999;73(3):1941-8
2008年7月8日 星期二
2008年7月6日 星期日
EFTHA joins the online petition to say no to child sex tourism from Europe
Online petition www.sayno.eu to fight child sex tourism |
Every year thousands of European tourists go to countries in Southeast Asia, South America and Africa seeking sex with minors. The chance that offenders get caught is almost zero. This has to change. European Liberals and Democrats have launched an online petition www.sayno.eu to fight child prostitution. The online petition pleads for more powers for Europol to fight sexual exploitation of children by Europeans travelling abroad. The citizen's based campaign is initiated by Jules Maaten (VVD, Netherlands) in cooperation with his parliamentary colleagues from ALDE: "Child prostitution has to stop. We want to collect a million signatures from people who say no to child prostitution. Enough is enough." "The EU cannot close its eyes to sexual exploitation abroad committed by its own citizens. The Council has to give Europol the means to fight these appalling crimes." The online petition includes three concrete proposals. 1) The Member States should give Europol a stronger role and receive the powers and the means to train police, prosecutors and judges in Southeast Asia and South-eastern Europe on the subject of sexual exploitation of children. 2) The EU should improve the exchange of information with third countries in order to help identify possible suspects as well as prosecuting perpetrators. 3) The EU should enter those suspected of child sex tourism, also outside of the EU, into the Schengen Information System. Apart from ALDE the online petition is sponsored by Terre des Hommes, Plan International, ECPAT International and Save the Children. |
Une pétition en ligne www.sayno.eu pour lutter contre le tourisme sexuel d'enfants |
Les milliers de touristes européens se rendent chaque année dans des pays d'Asie du Sud-Est, d'Amérique du Sud et d'Afrique à la recherche de relations sexuelles avec des mineurs. La probabilité d'arrestation de ces criminels est quasi nulle. Ceci doit changer. Les démocrates et les libéraux européens ont lancé une pétition en ligne www.sayno.eu afin de lutter contre la prostitution enfantine. La pétition en ligne réclame davantage de compétences pour Europol afin qu'il puisse lutter contre l'exploitation sexuelle des enfants par des ressortissants européens voyageant à l'étranger. La campagne centrée sur le citoyen a été lancée à l'initiative de Jules MAATEN (VVD, Pays-Bas) et de plusieurs membres de l'Alliance des démocrates et des libéraux pour l'Europe: "La prostitution enfantine doit cesser. Nous voulons rassembler un million de signatures de personnes qui disent non à la prostitution enfantine. Cela suffit." "L'UE ne peut pas fermer les yeux sur l'exploitation sexuelle commise par ses propres citoyens à l'étranger. Le Conseil doit donner à Europol les moyens de lutter contre ces crimes horribles." La pétition en ligne comprend trois propositions concrètes. 1) Les Etats membres devraient octroyer à Europol une compétence plus large et doter l'Office du pouvoir et les moyens de former la police, les procureurs et les juges en Asie du Sud-Est et en Europe du Sud-Est en ce qui concerne l'exploitation sexuelle des enfants. 2) L'UE devrait améliorer l'échange d'informations avec les pays tiers afin d'aider à identifier les suspects possibles et poursuivre les auteurs. 3) L'UE devrait encoder ces suspects du tourisme sexuel d'enfant, même en dehors de l'UE, dans le système d'information Schengen. Indépendamment de l'ADLE, la pétition en ligne est parrainée par Terre des Hommes Plan International, ECPAT International et Save the Children. |
For more information, please contact: Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter: Neil Corlett: + 32-2-284 20 77 ou + 32-478-78 22 84 Courriel: neil.corlett@europarl.europa.eu Jeroen Reijnen: +32-2-283 25 18 ou +32-473-39 47 10 | Web: http://www.alde.eu |
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2008年7月2日 星期三
Taiwan's way with dignity
Taiwan's way with dignity
The inaugural address that Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou gave was titled "Taiwan's Renaissance." It was well-composed, reflecting the president's views clearly while not evoking excessive alarm or expectations on complex and sensitive issues. These include the future of Taiwan's democracy, relations with the United States, cross-strait relations and relations between Chinese- Taiwanese — those who came to Taiwan from China after the Nationalists (KMT) were defeated in the civil war with the Communists, and their descendants — and Taiwanese-Taiwanese.
It is noteworthy that the address uses the expression "Taiwan's dignity," and premises the advance of cross-strait relations on whether international dignity is accorded to the island.
While I have pointed out in the past the danger of Taiwan's being dragged into unification by China's strategy of accepting Beijing-proposed peace agreement talks, I have also written that I would be comfortable with such talks if the KMT pursued them on the condition that Taiwan would be accepted into the United Nations.
Ideally, Taiwan should be admitted into the U.N. At the very least, it may be reasonable today to expect Chinese President Hu Jintao to be flexible enough to let Taiwan join international economic, social and health-care organizations to keep its dignity.
In reality, Taiwan is a full member of the World Trade Organization and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). If APEC extends an invitation to President Ma for a summit meeting, how would China react to it? It would be a test of Hu's flexibility.
Behind Ma's policy of acknowledging "one China under respective interpretations" lies his thinking that Taiwan is part of the Chinese community. That thinking runs through his inaugural address. He said Taiwan is the only Chinese society in which power has shifted peacefully twice. This is significant in pressing China for democratization and emphasizing that Taiwan is more democratic than Singapore.
This may embarrass the Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which places high priority on the identity of the Taiwanese people.
However, if the one-China policy is defined as loosely as the Commonwealth of Nations, in which India acknowledges the crown of Britain as a symbol of the free bond, any interpretation is possible. In fact, Pakistan has repeatedly left and joined the Commonwealth.
Thus the establishment of the Ma administration may provide a chance to break the diplomatic gridlock in East Asia.
In a sense, China is caught in its own trap. During the DPP era, Beijing often invited KMT leaders to China and treated them respectably for the purpose of impacting Taiwan's political balance. To try to explain now that that was because the KMT was not in power is unreasonable. Beijing will have to formally contact the KMT's leader, who is Taiwan's president, in some way or another — possibly at an APEC summit.
This would be a chance for Japan as well. With its hostile policy toward the DPP president of Taiwan, China used to stiffly oppose Japan's attempts to make contacts with Taiwan. Since the U.S. was also cold toward the DPP for some unexplainable reason, Japan had to pay heed to both China and the U.S. in dealing with Taiwan.
Japan may no longer have to care about either's reaction. Since Taiwan and Japan have strong historical and economic ties, to treat Taiwan coldly in disregard of those ties is unnatural. Japan might now be freed from this bind.
The DPP might be unhappy with Japan's about-face to establish friendly ties with the Taiwanese government under the control of KMT. Nevertheless, deepening relations with Japan would bring benefits that would be an asset for Taiwan when the DPP returns to power in the future — possibly four, eight or more years from now.
When conducting cross-strait talks, the Ma administration must never give in on Taiwan's sovereignty and security. Any kind of "one country, two systems" formula is designed to set a time limit on Taiwan's freedom regardless of whether it is for half a century or a century.
Again, Taiwan must not accept neutrality or any unilateral arms restrictions. There is no comparison between China and Taiwan in terms of size. Once security measures are abandoned, there will be none to defend Taiwan if the situation changes. Taiwan must keep this in mind.
2008年7月1日 星期二
醫用台語教學 |
■ 賴其萬
根 據他們的自序,我才了解這些醫學生在系學會的主導與台大醫學院老師們的幫忙下,恢復了停止多年的「醫用台語」課,而這兩位同學更主動地將老師的授課講義錄 音、騰稿,並用心地編寫第一章「台語拼音教學」,以幫忙讀者透過台語注音,學會正確的發音,而後再以不同的臨床科別分開章節,將每位老師在其專科所常用到 的病名、症狀、徵候,以及對病人說明病情時需要用上的台語詳盡列出。
編者之一的朱子宏同學,更坦承他父親是「所謂外省第二代」,所以家中自 小都用國語,但在精通台語的張之嚴同學幫忙下,在之前的暑假學會了台語的正確發音與拼音。醫學院陳定信院長與醫學系黃天祥主任都在序言中盛讚學生重視如何 與病人以母語溝通的能力,而這正是我們這些關心台灣醫學教育者所樂見的醫學生開始重視病人的文化背景及其想多了解病人的誠意。
幾天前,我有 幸在國家戲劇院,聆聽由台灣名作曲家鄧雨賢先生的生平故事改編而成的音樂劇。經過精心的編劇,鄧先生最出名的四首曲子「四季紅」、「月夜愁」、「望春 風」、「雨夜花」,透過演員獨唱或合唱,唱出了這位享年僅有三十九歲的「台灣舒伯特」的一生,編劇者更獨具匠心地以這四首曲名的第一個字為名,將這部台灣 人的經典音樂劇命名為《四月望雨》。穿插於劇中的多首年輕作曲家冉天豪的優美歌曲都是我生平第一次聽到的,生動的劇情加上這些年輕藝術家的載歌載舞,使得 台下觀眾如醉如痴,而在謝幕時贏得全場的起立鼓掌。
當我聽到飾演鄧雨賢的台柱歌星江翊睿道出「希望大家能夠共同支持保留台灣文化」的一席 話,我不禁激動得熱淚盈眶。特別值得一提的是鄧雨賢先生是客家人,而劇中有些他與家人的真情對白與歌曲,均以客語道出。雖然我不諳客語,但配合著字幕,我 領會到句句真情,同時也使我有機會享受到摯友朱真一教授常告訴我的「客語之美」。
2008年6月3日 星期二
World Medical (Association) Journal introduces Taiwan Medical Association
The World Medical Journal, official journal of the World Medical Association, has a full-page coverage of the Taiwan Medical Association in the issue of May, 2008. We are pleased to share this with all.
Th e Taiwan Medical AssociationTh e Taiwan Medical Association (TMA)was established in 1930 to advance medicalknowledge, to uphold members’ rights,to strengthen physician-patient relations,as well as to advocate social services. Th eTMA is composed of regional medical associationsfrom 23 counties around Taiwan.Its membership is compulsory for everypracticing physician. Among the total 36991 TMA members (fi gure for the end of2007), 30% practice in medical centres, 13%in regional hospitals, 18% in local hospitals,and 39% in private clinics. Th e physicianpatientratio is 1:653.Th e TMA has formed ten committees tocarry out its various missions and duties.Th ese include Health Care Policy Committee,National Health Insurance Committee,Health Industry Advisory Committee,Medical Laws and Regulations Committee,Academic Committee, Member WelfareCommittee, Medical Ethics and DisciplineCommittee, International Aff airs Committee,Public Relations Committee, and PublicationsCommittee. In many areas, ad hoctask forces are set up to study relevant issuesand to provide policy suggestions for theExecutive Board.For more than a decade, the TMA has activelyparticipated in several key areas topromote the health of all Taiwanese, includingthe formulation and revision of apatient-centred National Health InsurancePolicy in Taiwan, the advocacy of qualityof care and patient safety, the implementationof continuing medical education, andthe uplift of moral standards of health careprofessionals. In the international forum,the TMA joins forces with the rest of theworld through the World Medical Associationand CMAAO to increase its visibility,and to express Taiwan’s good will to servethe international community. In time of disastersand emergency around the globe, theTMA has taken little time in mobilising itsmembers to provide emergency relief andmedical aid to people in need.Th e TMA has established close interactionwith the WMA in recent years by participatingin various programs and activities.Th e translation and publication of “Manualof Medical Ethics” of WMA enables TMAmembers to share WMA’s policy changes,its functions and the contribution to allphysicians around the world. By workingwith the WMA in devising declarationsand policies, the TMA acquires updated informationon medicine, ethics, and medicaleducation.Th e TMA strongly believes in the collaborationamong all national medical associationsunder the auspice of the WMA.Th e sharing of information and resources,and the joint eff ort in international medicalassistance will enable us to create a trulyglobal village.Dr. Ming-Been Lee, the President of TMATaiwan Medical Assembly in 2007
2008年6月1日 星期日
Recommendation of a website
推薦文章: 我讀歐巴尼/林衡哲
在 我一生的讀書經驗中,我的私房書似乎不斷地在改變中。在小學時代,我最愛的讀物是《學友》與《東方少年》這二本雜誌。到了初中時代,傳記文學變成了我的文 學初戀情人,例如居禮夫人傳、林肯傳、華盛頓傳、富蘭克林傳、畢斯麥傳等都是在初中時代看的,同時也看了不少梁啟超、胡適和林語堂的作品,莎士比亞的羅密 歐與茱麗葉中譯本是引領我進入西洋文學的第一本書。
高 中在建中時,頗受羅曼羅蘭的《貝多芬傳》、《約翰.克利斯多夫》、托爾斯泰的《戰爭與和平》、歌德的《浮士德》、但丁的《神曲》以及朱生豪翻譯的莎翁劇本 的影響。因為對文學的興趣,而保送東海外文系。後因看了協志叢書《史懷哲傳》,而「棄文從醫」,考取台大醫學院。在台大時代,我頗受史懷哲「尊重生命」的 精神以及羅素的「懷疑精神」底影響,培養我獨立思考的能力,加上卡薩爾斯的「理想主義」和反抗獨裁者的精神,也深深地影響我的一生,另外愛因斯坦以知識份 子的良知,去反抗龐大的極權專政,這種知其不可為而為之的精神,對我也頗有影響。因此基於「有第一流的文化才能創見第一流的國度」的信念,我在1967 年催生了「新潮文庫」,並譯出了《羅素回憶集》及《羅素傳》,同時也請林宜勝先生譯出《白鳥之歌:卡薩爾斯自述傳》、張聖輝譯出菲利蒲.法蘭克所寫的《愛 因斯坦傳》,並由曹永洋先生編出一系列的「史懷哲叢書」,讓羅素、史懷哲、愛因斯坦和卡薩爾斯的精神,在台灣這塊土地上開花結果。
1968 年出國之後,我由台灣文化的文盲變成台灣文化的奉獻者,因為我到美國之後,我才讀到真正的台灣歷史以及認識多采多姿的台灣文化,其中吳濁流的《無花果》、 彭明敏的《自由的滋味》、柯喬治的《被出賣的台灣》以及黃煌雄的《蔣渭水傳》和李南衡的《賴和全集》對我都有深遠的影響,因此1983年我在美國創刊「台 灣文庫」時,馬上推出《無花果》與《自由的滋味》等,希望這些書能讓台灣人覺醒認同自己的國家與土地,在美國出版的42部「台灣文庫」建立了台灣傳記文學 的新傳統,1998年我終於落葉歸根,返台後成立了望春風出版社,繼續出版傳記名著及台灣文化名著,同時也在去年推出了「望春風世界文學名著」,其中最感 動我的一本書是:《卡羅.歐巴尼醫師傳奇》。
我第一次聽到歐巴尼醫師是在2003 年4月,那時我正擔任衛生署顧問,為台灣加入WHO而努力,同事蘇金鳳女士提供我不少有關歐巴尼為SARS而「燃燒自己、照亮全世界」的英勇事蹟,不久在 《自由時報》上看到一篇有關歐巴尼的報導,於是我整理出一篇紀念歐巴尼的文章五千字,發表在《新台灣》雜誌上。不久我去日內瓦參加第五十六屆WHO大會 時,本來想大會結束後親自坐火車去拜訪歐巴尼夫人茱莉安妮,為歐巴尼寫出一本書,想不到義大利台商會會長莊振澤及衛生署派駐日內瓦代表張武修,已經邀請歐 巴尼夫人及16歲的大兒子來參加我國在紅十字會總部主辦的「SARS國際學術研討會」,張武修臨時要我介紹歐巴尼夫人,這是我這次瑞士之行最大的光榮與收 穫,歐巴尼夫人是一位非常單純而誠樸的人,她顯得很堅強,認為她丈夫的犧牲是有價值的,他求仁得仁無怨無悔。歐巴尼16歲的大兒子已經是一位小大人,他說 他將追隨他爸爸的理想,將來也要作醫師,繼續服務人群。
能 夠出版《歐巴尼醫師傳奇》,是我一生出版事業的高潮,作者貝美穗是義大利名記者兼名作家,漢譯者古桂英,譯筆流暢,在信、雅、達三方面均達完美之境。此書 透過作者親自訪問歐巴尼的母親、家人、心靈知己及朋友、同事們,把他多采多姿的一生及內心世界娓娓道來,確實是一部動人的文學傳記,這是我在大學時代看 《史懷哲自傳》之後,令人印象最深刻也是最感人的一部醫師傳記。如果史懷哲「尊重生命」的精神和歐巴尼「視病如親」的精神,能在台灣的醫界與社會發揚光 大,相信一個充滿愛心的現代化社會便會慢慢地在台灣形成。如果每一個醫生都看過此書,也許「邱小妹事件」就不會在台灣發生,歐巴尼醫師的存在,不僅是義大 利的榮耀,也是全球醫界的榮耀,我的很多朋友包括陳永興院長、賴其萬教授、廖運範醫師等人都看了此書,而流下了感動之淚;我的眼睛雖然沒有流淚,但在我內 心的深處,我也感動得在內心流淚。
林衡哲 小檔案
Source: http://www.alum.ntu.edu.tw/read.php?num=43&sn=913
Share this Summer Program in Taiwan
Introduction | |||
1.Aims | |||
The National Yang-Ming University TMTCA program is a short-term program to introduce to international students with traditional medicine and Taiwanese culture and art. This program is to accept students for 2 weeks during summer and winter break. Courses are taught in English and on-site visits after lessons. Students can benefit from this program on:
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2. Requirements | |||
To apply for the NYMU TMTCA program, applicants must meet all the following requirements:
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3. Number of Students Accepted | |||
20 students for each program | |||
4. Program Calendar | |||
*We also offer an optional 2 days culture program to east coast and Taroko Gorge National Park. Students could experience nature beauty and aboriginal culture of Taiwan. (NT$5,000 for 2 days’ program) | |||
5. Tuition | |||
Tuition will be waived for students from the universities that have the formal academic exchange agreement or memorandum with National Yang-Ming University. The list can be found through http://issue.ym.edu.tw/cia/new/fundingfaq/sister_universities.php Students from the universities that have no agreement or memorandum with National Yang-Ming University are obliged to pay the registration fee NT$15,000 (US$500) for two weeks program. The registration fee is included the in-campus dormitory, lessons materials and site visit traveling fee. | |||
6. Certificate of Completion | |||
Students who complete all programs could obtain a certificate issued by National Yang-Ming University. |
Taiwan's scientists made great breakthrough on degue fever!
Breakthrough in hunt for dengue treatment
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
A way has been found to fight a mosquito-borne virus that infects 50 million people annually, and puts another half a million in hospital, some with a lethal fever.
Some 2.5 billion people – two fifths of the world's population – are now at risk from dengue, an infection that causes a severe flu-like illness, and sometimes a potentially lethal complication called dengue haemorrhagic fever.
The World Health Organisation estimates there may be 50 million dengue infections worldwide every year. An estimated 500 000 people require hospitalization, mostly children, and 2.5 per cent die. There is no specific treatment for the virus.
Now, in the journal Nature, Dr Shie-Liang Hsieh of National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, and colleagues have identified a molecule targeted by the dengue virus in mice that brings about the haemorrhagic fever associated with lethal disease.
The virus hijacks the CLEC5A molecule on immune cells to cause a massive release of potent inflammatory agents known as cytokines. TThe storm of these cytokines is are probably responsible for the extreme inflammation that causes haemorrhagic fever.
Using antibodies to block the interaction between CLEC5A and dengue virus, the team found they could prevent inflammation without affecting the normal immune response to virus infection.
What's more, half of mice treated with these antibodies managed to clear the virus. This ability to control inflammation and simultaneously maintain natural viral immunity makes CLEC5A an exciting prospect for the development of new treatments, says the team.
The current antibody has to be "humanised" so it is not attacked by the body. "It is estimated to take two years to enter phase I clinical trial, after the humanization of the current antibody for toxicology and preclinical study," says Dr Hsieh.
He adds: "The technology we develop can also be used to identify therapeutic targets of other viruses, including members of flaviviruses, such as West Nile Virus and Japanese Encephalitis Viruses."
The spread of dengue is attributed to expanding geographic distribution of the four dengue viruses and the mosquitoes that carry them, the most important of which is the predominantly urban species Aedes aegypti.
Midday article: Royal care for some of India's patients, neglect for others
Royal care for some of India's patients, neglect for others
BANGALORE, India: "To get the best care," Robin Steeles said gamely, "you gotta pay for it."
Steeles, 60, a car dealer from Daphne, Alabama, had flown halfway around the world last month to save his heart, at a price he could pay. He had a mitral valve repaired at a state-of-the-art private hospital here, called Wockhardt, and for 10 days, he was recuperating in a carpeted, wood-paneled room, with a view of a leafy green courtyard.
A dietician helped select his meals. A dermatologist came as soon as he complained of an itch. His Royal Suite had cable TV, a computer, a minirefrigerator, where an attendant that afternoon stashed some ice cream, for when he felt hungry later. Three days after surgery, he was sitting in a chair, smiling, chattering, thrilled to be alive.
On his bed lay the morning's paper. Dominating its front page was the story of other men, many of them day laborers who laid bricks and mixed cement for Bangalore's construction boom, who had fallen gravely ill after drinking illegally brewed liquor. All told, more than 150 died that week, here and in neighboring Tamil Nadu State.
Not for them the care of India's best private hospitals. They had been wheeled in by wives and brothers to the overstretched government-run Bowring Hospital, on the other side of town. Bowring had no intensive care unit, no ventilators, no dialysis machine. Dinner was a stack of white bread, on which a healthy cockroach crawled while a patient, named Yelappa, slept.
Wockhardt has 30 ventilators, including some that are noninvasive, so the patient does not have to have a tube rammed down his throat. At any one time, a half-dozen are in use. An elderly woman had been in its intensive care unit for a week, on dialysis; her family wanted to do whatever possible to keep her alive, no matter the cost.
At Bowring, one of the young doctors, named Harish, said a ventilator and a dialysis machine would have allowed him to keep half of his patients alive. The most severe case, Mohammed Amin, was breathing with the aid of a hand pump that his wife squeezed silently. Harish sent the relative of one man to get blood tests done at the nearest private hospital; there was no equipment to do the test here. Then the doctor rushed to the triage section in Bowring's lobby, where the newest patient, writhing, resisting, disoriented from the poison in his gut, had to be tied down with bedsheets.
Where you stand on the Indian social ladder shapes to a large degree what kind of health you're in, and what kind of health care you receive. The beds in Bowring were taken up by small skinny men. One of Wockhardt's most popular offerings is a weight loss program, and the majority of walk-ins at its outpatient clinic suffer from diabetes, closely linked to obesity.
This is no anomaly. A government-sponsored National Family Health Survey released last fall says a woman born in the poorest 20 percent of the population is more than twice as likely to be underweight than one in the richest quintile, and 50 percent more likely to be anemic.
For children, the gap is equally stark. The poorest quintile is more than twice as likely to be stunted, a function of chronic malnutrition, and nearly three times less likely to be fully immunized.
It is not as if the poor do not seek treatment, Jishnu Das, an economist who studies health and poverty for the World Bank, points out. They do, and sometimes more often than the rich. It is just that they are more likely, Das says, to land at the doorstep of a caregiver who is incompetent, ill-trained or indifferent to their needs.
"The poor are not dying and sick because they do not go to seek medical care," he said. "In fact, the poor are going to doctors in droves. There are no good options for the poor. The private hospitals and care they are able to access is of very low quality, and when they try and access government care, they receive no attention whatsoever."
The survey found that two-thirds of Indian households rely on private medical care when sick, a preference that cuts across class. Asked why they don't use public facilities, the most common answer was poor care.
India has a countrywide network of government-funded primary health centers and hospitals, but staffing, medicines and resources vary widely. Some, especially in rural India, are notorious for having staff doctors on paper at best. This is only beginning to change. The government has increased health spending in recent years, and this year began a health insurance program that would allow people in poverty access to a hospital of their choice.
The Planning Commission of India this year found that in government-run health centers, 45 percent of gynecologist posts and 53 percent of pediatric posts went unfilled, and that salaries for government doctors are a fraction of those at new private hospitals like Wockhardt.
Wockhardt struggles to fill its slots, too, but its facilities allow it to aggressively recruit, including from among Indian doctors who have worked abroad for years.
The morning papers did not let Steeles forget the vast gulf between his predicament and that of the hooch drinkers fighting for life at Bowring. Yet as far apart as they were, their tales followed a somewhat parallel plot. The American health care system could no more care for Steeles than the Indian system could for Amin.
Steeles came here because he is uninsured, and could not afford heart surgery in the United States, he said, without liquidating most of his assets. After five months of research and e-mail messages to doctors worldwide, he chose a heart surgeon here in Bangalore. "I'm over here for a fraction of what I would have paid in the United States," he said. "In my personal situation, I'm just delighted I took the road that I did."
Steele's Royal Suite, incidentally, is available to anyone, Indian or foreigner, who can pay for it. After his stay here, he would move to a room at a private club for 16 days of further recovery, before flying home. All told, he said it cost him about $20,000, a tenth of what he would have paid at a private American hospital.
Across town, among the hooch drinkers, a few of the worst cases had been transferred to private hospitals that had agreed to take them, at the government's expense.
Amin was too frail to be transferred. He died at Bowring, leaving behind a wife and two young children.
Recommendation: "當達文西遇見華陀"
| 2004-09-14 02:40:23 | 人氣(48) |
當 達文西遇見華陀 ---神乎其技的手術機器人配合針刺麻醉進行心臟手術側記
這部最先進的手術機器人被命名為達文西,藉以紀念義大利文藝復興時期這位集建築、雕塑、繪畫、機械、水利工程、解剖醫學等傑出科學藝術成就於一身的不世出天才( Leonardo da Vinci , 1452 – 1519)。造價約四千萬台幣的達文西機器人目前全義大利僅此一部,它大約分為三部分: 手術台邊矗立著伸出三支複雜構造機械手臂的座台,一旁是上接監控Monitor的主控電腦,另有一座外觀看來好似電動遊戲機亦附有Monitor的操作台。
利用機器人開刀,避免了傳統開刀手術之開胸剖腹; 以心臟血管繞道(Bypass)手術為例,僅在左胸側穿刺三個小洞穴供機器人手臂伸入進行手術:中間洞穴插入探照燈及微型攝影機,以將手術操作過程完整呈現於Monitor。右洞穴插入手術刀,左洞穴則是夾鉗,就如同外科醫生的左右手般靈活操作。 ”主刀”的醫生則端坐在一旁的操作台,眼觀Monitor,手腳並用熟練操作,看起來就好比把玩電動遊戲機一般,實在神奇 !
除了避免開膛破肚,機器人開刀亦免除了繁複的血液體外循環設備,開刀房助手亦大大減少,確是好處多多 !
當天的Bypass心臟手術特別安排了針刺麻醉配合機器人開刀,中西醫學之頂尖技術合作無間,可謂是世紀創舉 !
(莊振澤會長在潘賢義醫師指示下,亦獲准進入開刀房全程拍攝,留下珍貴的紀錄,可供日後教學觀摩之用。) 2000 年11 月23日