2008年4月15日 星期二



張貼時間:2008/1/22 下午 07:23 資料來源:行政院衛生署




侯署長致詞時,特別感謝歐洲台灣醫事聯盟為了台灣加入世界衛生組織(WHO)積極發聲。強調去年發生的泰國毒玉米事件,暴露出我們不能夠加入世界衛 生組織,對2300萬國人健康有潛在的重大威脅;世界衛生組織將在本年1月21日起召開執委會,侯署長呼籲該組織應讓台灣直接參與,並且即與台灣進行直接 溝通,同時鼓勵歐洲台灣醫事聯盟熱心的僑胞們,發揮他們在僑居地的影響力,尋找機會爭取歐盟會員國的議員以及政府官員,支持台灣所提訴求,希望歐盟不要忽 視台灣廣大民眾健康人權。侯署長亦表示,儘管台灣未能加入世界衛生組織,但我們仍然以能夠成為國際衛生的貢獻者自我期許,台灣前年正式成立之國際醫衛行動 團隊(TaiwanIHA),就是為了執行以上這個任務,除進行緊急的人道救援之外,目前我們也在南太平洋友邦派遣兩個長駐的醫療團,歡迎海外台籍醫事專 業人員,參加這個有意義的援外工作,期盼歐洲台灣醫事聯盟將來也能成為台灣國際醫衛行動聯盟最忠實的策略夥伴。



EFTHA seeks your support

European Federation of Taiwan Health Alliance
301 Euston Road London NW1 3AD England UK

March 5th, 2008
EFTHA is a Europe registered medical professional alliance aiming at promoting European community to establish partnership with those of Taiwan’s on health matters. As the Chair of the EFTHA, I and dozens’ health leaders of the European countries would like to urge your continuous support to the activities of EFTHA in the European continent, and to foster the participation of Taiwanese health authorities in the coming 61st World Health Assembly, which will be held from May 19th in Geneva.
Health care is a transnational shared concern, reflecting what have been recently addressed in the Treaty of Lisbon – “Protection and Improvement of Human Health” and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which will mark its 60th anniversary this year. At this critical moment, the European leaders and the Director-General of the World Health Organization have repeatedly emphasized the commitment of the EU and the WHO to continue to seek universal health care and protection for all citizens in the globe. However, Taiwan’s people and her health experts have been barred by the WHO from participation in any technical and professional activities, with continuous denial of their rights to share and exchange essential information to safeguard the health for all.
In the last several WH Assemblies, the delegates of the European Union to the World Health Assembly have openly urged the WHO to seek actively the participation of Taiwan’s health professionals on technical matters. Unfortunately, Taiwan’s experts and technical officers of communicable diseases have been without any opportunity to exchange information with the WHO. The WHO denied repeatedly the requests by the Taiwan’s health authority and her health professionals from attending any meeting regarding common interest in fighting against global health threats.
Your Excellency, we seek your support for the participation of Taiwan’s health authority in the coming WHA, and request your highest efforts to abolish the discrimination by the WHO on Taiwan’s people. We look forward to your endorsement and signature to show your concern. Please reply by fax to +44 208.933.42.62 before the April 7, the coming World Health Day.
Yours sincerely,

Dr. Frank Lie M.D. MRCP UK MRCP Ireland LMSSA
Executive Director
European Federation of Taiwan Health Alliance (EFTHA)

EFTHA is for EU and for ALL

European Federation of Taiwan Health Alliance, EFTHA, is a non-profitable, non-governmental health and humanitarian organization for the health professionals in EU and elsewhere, as well as supportive of health activities toward better health care in Taiwan.